Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Okay the post didn't work....let's try this. :)

Update on me

So Ashley reminded me that I haven't written in a while, and I have a few minutes so I thought I should. :)

Things are going okay for me. I don't know if I wrote this, but Greg and I had our sewer line replaced in our front yard. Thus, our front yard is completely torn up. It's been a while since we had it done, so I'm getting a little sick of our neighbors gawking at our yard. ;) Anyway, we had Troy Schmidt of Schmidt Builders come out today and will give us an estimate on a new front porch (ours was torn out in the process). Depending on prices, we're hoping to have both the front porch done and then the landscaping (and taking out one of our trees) very soon so our front yard is normal again.

On the inside of the house, we are about to be able to prime and paint the laundry room. Then we need to buy a countertop and backsplash, then stain the cabinets, and the room should be back in order. After that we need to complete the flooring in the basement. Once ALL that is completed, our house will be back to the way it was when we bought it. I know, right? Then we can start prioritizing the projects that we actually WANT to do. =P

Work has been crazy busy lately. Of course, since I work for a CPA firm, tax season hit pretty hard. But in my line of business, we're super busy right now with quarter end. I should have stayed late today but had Troy coming out for an estimate so I left on time. Just a lot of projects right away - feast or famine, right?

I am excited about the new class that Greg and I are taking at Messiah. It's called "Ordinary Day with Jesus" and is definitely something I struggle with in my Christian walk. In the first class we talked about when the day exactly starts, and according to the Bible, it starts in the evening. So basically, when we wake up, we are just joining God in His work instead of "starting" the day. I thought that was really profound and has really helped me so far this week. I think next week is everyday relationships, so I'm excited.

I'm also really looking forward to May. I have Rachel's wedding, in which I am a bridesmaid, then a vacation with Greg to DC for my cousin's wedding. It should be a lot of fun and definitely needed. I will be full time for a year starting April 24th, so I then get two weeks' paid vacation, which will be super nice!! Hopefully Greg and I will be able to take a few weekend trips or something this summer.

I also got a tattoo. I absolutely love it and don't regret it for a second, but I don't think I'll get another one. I'm content with this one. Let's see if I can figure out how to post a picture in this post...

Hmm...I think that's all that's going on with me. O:) Quilting this week, which I'm excited for - I don't think I've done any since the last quilting day. Oh I take that back, I made a pillow. :)

I hope I start updating this more often. On the plus side, I had a lot to talk about!! Now I'm off to study some more for Paraplanner (continuing ed for work). I hope I can learn it all before the test in June!

*Love covers a multitude of sins* - 1 Peter 4:8