Saturday, June 29, 2013

First-Time Surgery

Oh my goodness, what an ordeal this surgery has been!  For those that don't know, I needed to get my wisdom teeth out.  I had a consultation at an oral surgeon's office in Saginaw in March, but they did not impress me in any way at all.  Second consultation in May in Midland; surgery scheduled for end of May.  Of course, I prepared myself for every situation except the one that happened: they couldn't find a vein for the IV sedation.  Fast forward four weeks and I'm in the oral surgeon's office again. 

This time...they found a vein!  I remember thanking God for that, and then them talking about things, but then I was out.  No countdown, no worries, just out.  I came to when the Dr. was talking to me and telling me that all  went well.  It looked like they were still putting in stitches but I was numb so I couldn't feel it.  Then, I was done!  No loopiness, no weird thoughts, just done.  I don't know, I was kind of glad about that (though I think Greg was a little disappointed!).  It's been 36 hours since my surgery, and granted I'm hopped up on pills (still!), but I haven't been too sore or in too much pain - thank the Good Lord!  I slept all day yesterday (which I was hoping to) and today I rested most of the day (my pedometer will NOT be thanking me) but it's been okay so far.  I'm so glad that it went well, they're all out, and it looks like I will be in pretty good shape for vacation next week!  :)

So first surgery of my life out of the way and done, with not too many complications.  I know that God had a plan for this surgery - maybe so it was after my class, I'm not sure.  But it will be so worth it once the swelling goes down and I'm not teething anymore!

In other news, I feel like God is really working in our lives right details yet, but I am so excited about what might happen. I finally have purpose in life - I feel like I've never had that before and it's an awesome feeling!  I highly recommend it! :)