Thursday, May 13, 2010

Wedding Weekends

So the next few weeks are going to be really busy for us!

It all starts tomorrow, when I need to be in Peck, MI (the thumb) at 10:30 am to help Rachel set up the hall. One of my greatest friends from college (Rachel) is getting married, and I get to share in her day! Way excited. So tomorrow will be all wedding, and so will Saturday (obviously). I know it's going to be an amazing time and I am so happy for her - she deserves it!

Anyway, we get back Sunday, then Sunday night is the Survivor finale (I know, I'm a dork), Monday is a full day of work, then Greg and I leave for Washington DC on Tuesday! I can't believe it's already here, but I am SO looking forward to it. It's going to be so much fun. The next Saturday (the 22nd) my cousin is getting married in DC, plus I get to see all of my family, so I know we're going to have a blast. =)

Like I's going to be crazy. But I've really been thinking about some things, and sometimes I regret not studying abroad, or moving somewhere crazy, or doing something nuts with my life. But at the same time, I feel like I'm exactly where God wants me to be. And I wouldn't change my trip to the Dominican for anything - it was wonderful. So as much as I have an itch to do something drastic, I know that God wants me here. So I will definitely obey. This is what this blog is all about - trading my dreams for His. Because His are the only ones that matter. :)

See you in a few weeks!!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Home Improvements

I can't believe sometimes how hard Greg works on our house. He told me when we were living in the apartment that he really wanted a house so he could have things to do - well he definitely has it with this house!

We've repainted the laundry room a nice sunny yellow, and Greg is restaining the cabinets so they are actually nice looking instead of antiques. It's really coming along nicely. Now he is outside working on our new deck/front porch. We haven't had one for quite a while because they had to tear ours out to replace the sewer line. But it's looking fantastic so far!

That's basically what we've been doing the last few weeks besides working. It's been crazy, but fun. Now we have our wedding season coming up - Rachel's wedding is NEXT SATURDAY! I'm very excited to be in her wedding (and that my dress fits!). Then right when we get back we leave for our DC vacation. I am so excited for that - I've never been to DC and it should be a blast with my whole family going!

I think tonight I may plan out our DC trip. I love planning things like that and it should be an amazing time. I thought of all of the SVSU grads today - I can't believe it's been a year since I walked across that stage. So much has happened!! But a good year it's been - I can't wait to see what God has in store for us next. He is such an amazing God, and we are SO blessed!
