Monday, January 12, 2015

Share Love

So the holidays are over and we're 12 days into the New Year.  Is that too early to give up on New Year's Resolutions?  Just kidding.  I'm still on track, though it's a little ugly.  (Running a 5k after quite a while of not running = an ugly finish time.  But it just means I have more room for improvement, right?)

Thinking about resolutions, I was listening to Air 1 (a Christian radio station - look them up to see if there's a station near you!) and they were talking about resolutions in one word.  Along with the resolutions I had already made, I decided to add one more:  share love.  I know it's two words, but I think both are important.  I know it's not technically a SMART goal (sustainable, measurable, attainable, realistic, timely) but I am viewing it as something to continue on throughout my life.

Sharing love.  Something that sounds great, but how do I put it into practice?  How can I share love with others?  I've resolved to donate at least 5 quilts and 10 burp cloths to the Pregnancy Resource Center in Midland this year - I think that's one way.  But sometimes the hardest way to share love is with the people that we are closest with.  Yes, an oxymoron, but one that is so so true.

When we think of sharing our faith with others, it's often easiest to share it with strangers.  To take a chance that has no consequences (what do you have to lose?).  But share with those that we love the most?  To truly ask them what their stance is and hear the answer (and not judge if it's something we don't like)?  That's scary.  It's terrifying, actually.

Our pastor gave a somewhat uncomfortable message this past week.  He asked us if we felt the world was inherently good or inherently evil.  Then he told us so many facts that obliterated any belief that the world is good.  Did you know that in the world, 1,000 people are murdered every minute?  Yes, every minute.  In the 25 minute message, 25,000 people lost their lives at the hands of another.  And this was just one example that he used to make a point.  The world is inherently bad.  Left to our own devices, we will always choose the lazy way, the violent way, the wrong way, the angry way.  As much as we try to fight it, that is our natural inclination.

It's an ugly fate to think about.  But even though I do agree the world is inherently evil, I also believe whole-heartedly that people are capable of good.  We all have the ability to choose light, to choose peace, to choose joy, to love those around us and cause no harm.  That is our choice, and even though it's never ever easy, we can always make the decision to choose the right way.

The beauty of grace is wrapped up in being capable of good.  Even though we mess up (a lot, all the time), grace forgives.  Grace doesn't hold it against us.  A new slate - every morning.  A new beginning with each sunrise.  A new chance to get it right.

Don't get me wrong - I get irritated with myself hundreds of times a day because of the thousand little choices that I mess up.  And I get even more irritated when I make the same mistakes.  It's so frustrating!  Why can't I just get it right, establish a habit, have the right choice come naturally?  But it doesn't, and it might get a little easier, but it will never be natural.  The consequence of the world, the consequence of the fall - we know the difference between good and evil.

Did you know God regretted creating humans?  Before the Flood, he said that he regretted his creation.  Hello - that was us.  He was going to wipe us all out because we were so evil and so terrible to one another and to ourselves.  He saw no good in any of us - except one.  Noah was good - Noah made the right choices.  Oh, he messed up, but God saw he was CAPABLE of good.  And God spared him.  If that's not an amazing message, I don't know what is.

So this year, I know I am capable of good, no matter how many wrong choices I make.  And I'm choosing to share love with others, so they can also know they are capable of good.  We mess up every day, repeating mistakes, falling short.  But there is always the ability to choose good, to choose love, to show it to others.  I hope you'll join me in my quest to show others what they are capable of, and what they can achieve.  Knowing I'm loved by the Creator who knows I mess up all the time - and loves me anyway.  Who has the ability to wipe us off the face of the Earth - but doesn't because He knows what we can do if we really want to.

Resolve to be your best self today.  Resolve to share love with others.  Help them to know, in the midst of their mistakes, how loved they truly are by you and their creator.  Making mistakes is inevitable, but sharing love is a choice.  Choose love.

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