Tuesday, March 16, 2010

1 Year Plan

So I was at work last week, and we were talking about things we want to do in life. I'm not that old, but I did turn 24 yesterday - I'm not that young. =P So instead of doing a New Year's Resolution or something like that, I've decided to take this milestone of my birthday and write down a few things I'd like to accomplish before I become 1/4 of a century old.

First, I'd like to complete the Registered Paraplanner designation at work. It is considered a sort of "JV" version of becoming a Certified Financial Planner. While investments and finance were not my major (not even close), that's what I work with every day, and it's important that I get a formal education in it, not only for our clients, but for myself. I need to know that I am good at what I do. Plus, letters after my name wouldn't look too bad either. O:) I need to take the test by June, and I'm a little less than halfway through the self-study course, so I need to step it up!

Second, I'm excited for May, because it is wedding season. :) Not only do I get to stand up in my awesome friend Rachel's wedding, I get to attend my cousin's wedding in Washington, DC. I've never been to DC, so I'm really excited to experience all of the history that is contained there. It will definitely be an awesome and long-awaited vacation.

Third, I'd like to start exercising more - and I'm not going to overdo it this time. I usually say "I'm going to exercise!" and set a super lofty goal to work out for an hour at some gym every day. This time, I'm going to tone it down. Greg and I are taking a walk every evening whenever it's nice out after work, and that's really nice. I think it's really helping my stamina, my body, and my sleep cycles. Who knew walking was so good for you? ;) I'm hoping I can continue that throughout the summer and maybe add some more exercise in there as the weather gets nicer and nicer.

Fourth, I'd like to expand my faith. This is an ongoing goal for life, but I'm just starting to get into church at Messiah and I love it. I love doing projection once a month, and it's just the right amount of commitment. I'm hoping that we can get to know people in church, like we have been, and serve God in the ways that He has blessed us.

Fifth, I'd like to continue to improve our marriage. I love being married, and although it's hard work, it's totally worth it. I think Greg and I are just finally starting to get into the groove of marriage, and it's getting better every day. I know it's just going to keep improving. :)

Sixth, I'd like to make some major improvements on the house with my husband. We've had this actually thrust upon us by our sewer issues, but it is nice to improve the house and work on things with my husband. It's a great way to bond. :) We have so many ideas and I'm excited to get started on them.

So this list turned a little more abstract than I was planning, but I don't know if my heart was really in it. I'm distracted tonight. Maybe I'll try again later, but I did want to write all this down. :)


  1. I plan to do stuff to my house as well! We'll have to keep notes and help each other out. :)

    Oh, and #7 on your list should be spending more time with Ashley :)

  2. And 24 is young- remember, "I have lots of time to meet a guy" blah, blah, blah ;)

  3. Oh, I forgot to ask... How come writing isn't on the list? :)
