Sunday, February 28, 2010


I've just been washed over with a new sense of contentment and purpose just now, and felt the urge to write about it. :)

Today was a good day. I volunteered at church this morning running projection. It's so nice to be part of the church body again. Greg and I were so involved with His House that I felt a little lost when we were looking for a church home. But now we are involved with Messiah Lutheran, and volunteering with the church, and it's really amazing that my heart is again fulfilled with God in a way I was missing. It's SO nice to find a church home.

I worked on my continuing education for work this afternoon as well. I'm taking a self-study course in order to be a registered paraplanner for work. It's sort of like being a financial planner, but the JV course. I find it a little difficult, since I've never taken a finance class in my life. I've been struggling with the fact that I haven't been using my degree since I graduated (or even before that) and it's been difficult to come to the realization that God wants me to be where I am, whether or not I'm using the degree I'm still paying for. But today, as hard as this course is for me, it was a good thing. I think that broadening my horizons into this new field will eventually help me in ways I can't even think of right now. It's good to learn new things and try new experiences, and if this is where God wants me, who am I to complain?

Also, Greg and I put together our gifts for our niece and nephew (who share the same birthday 7 years apart). Even though I still haven't met them (they live in Florida) it's so nice to have children in the family that we can spoil. I'm the youngest, so I never had that growing up, and it feels nice to be an aunt, even by marriage. :) Plus we have our Compassion Child in Indonesia, and I love getting his letters and drawings. It's a wonderful feeling knowing we are helping God's children.

My last good thing of the night was a message from one of my Facebook friends. She saw this blog again and read an old message I had put up from November, and it touched her once again. She left me a message on Facebook, and I cannot tell you how uplifting it was to read that. Sometimes we wonder why we're here, and if we really are making a difference, and if we should be doing more than what we are doing. At least I do. I sometimes wonder if I should sell my possessions and go be a mission worker in some foreign country. I wonder if I am doing enough to further God's kingdom, or if I am settling for mediocrity in this fallen world. But it's things like this that God blesses me with so He lets me know I am on the right path. And I'm right where God wants me, and I'm doing what He wants me to do. What a wonderful feeling. In a world of uncertainty, little messages like that help me to be centered around my Rock, my Jesus again. And that content feeling is unlike any other.

So I wanted to share that even though I'm still not sure my purpose in life, or if I'm on the right road, I know that God will take care of me. And that's all I need to know. :)

Have a wonderful week everyone!!

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