Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Small Decisions

We all like to think it's the big decisions that change our lives.  And sometimes, it truly is.  Where you go to college.  Who you marry.  Your career path.  All important (and big) decisions.

But I think I've decided to focus more on the small decisions.  I feel like I make a thousand small decisions a day, sometimes not even realizing I'm making them, and it impacts my life in ways that I still don't know about.  Right now I'm just grateful for the awareness that it does, and the power to change it.

Let's take eating healthy as an example.  I can set a big lofty goal of losing thirty pounds this summer.  I can even set smaller goals of losing 2 pounds a week.  But honestly?  The decisions that would help the most?  NOT going out to eat for lunch.  Eating something healthy instead of cookies.  Doing one more set at the gym (or one more mile).  Going for a walk instead of sitting in my chair.  Everyday decisions that, in the moment, don't seem so momentous.  (Sidebar - I wanted to type monumentous but that's apparently not a word.  Who knew?)  Am I really going to miss that serving of *insert unhealthy thing here*?  Is my body really going to break down if I walk more?

But I think, all of those small decisions together, can really add up.  Not to mention, my  habits will gradually change.  Something I'm in need of, but can't get myself to do in sweeping changes.  You're supposed to "know thyself" right?  Well I know there's no way I can cut out sweets or what-have-you in one fell swoop.  Maybe the small decisions will help.

Another example - writing.  I've been making progress in my novel idea (ha's a pun) but not in the way one would think.  I wrote approximately 30,000 words, and am now reworking the story, characters, plot, and structure.  I plan on completely starting over (with the same characters and idea though) and start at the beginning.  But sometimes, it's so easy to come up with excuses.  I work a full time job.  I am trying to make working out a priority.  Blah blah blah.

BUT if I make small decisions and just work on it a little, I'll get more done.  Write every day, isn't that what they tell you?  So today I had discipline (and a little encouragement from a fellow writer, a friend and coworker) and worked on my outline.  And it felt great!  I love to write!  I am hoping I can continue to make progress toward my goal of a completed novel.  And I feel like these little decisions will help me on that journey.

What about you?  Do you do better with the BIG decisions and stick with it?  Or do small decisions work best for you?  I'm actually a little excited to start.  It takes a lot of pressure off to focus on just one decision, right now.  We'll see how it goes.  :)

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