Sunday, February 28, 2010


I've just been washed over with a new sense of contentment and purpose just now, and felt the urge to write about it. :)

Today was a good day. I volunteered at church this morning running projection. It's so nice to be part of the church body again. Greg and I were so involved with His House that I felt a little lost when we were looking for a church home. But now we are involved with Messiah Lutheran, and volunteering with the church, and it's really amazing that my heart is again fulfilled with God in a way I was missing. It's SO nice to find a church home.

I worked on my continuing education for work this afternoon as well. I'm taking a self-study course in order to be a registered paraplanner for work. It's sort of like being a financial planner, but the JV course. I find it a little difficult, since I've never taken a finance class in my life. I've been struggling with the fact that I haven't been using my degree since I graduated (or even before that) and it's been difficult to come to the realization that God wants me to be where I am, whether or not I'm using the degree I'm still paying for. But today, as hard as this course is for me, it was a good thing. I think that broadening my horizons into this new field will eventually help me in ways I can't even think of right now. It's good to learn new things and try new experiences, and if this is where God wants me, who am I to complain?

Also, Greg and I put together our gifts for our niece and nephew (who share the same birthday 7 years apart). Even though I still haven't met them (they live in Florida) it's so nice to have children in the family that we can spoil. I'm the youngest, so I never had that growing up, and it feels nice to be an aunt, even by marriage. :) Plus we have our Compassion Child in Indonesia, and I love getting his letters and drawings. It's a wonderful feeling knowing we are helping God's children.

My last good thing of the night was a message from one of my Facebook friends. She saw this blog again and read an old message I had put up from November, and it touched her once again. She left me a message on Facebook, and I cannot tell you how uplifting it was to read that. Sometimes we wonder why we're here, and if we really are making a difference, and if we should be doing more than what we are doing. At least I do. I sometimes wonder if I should sell my possessions and go be a mission worker in some foreign country. I wonder if I am doing enough to further God's kingdom, or if I am settling for mediocrity in this fallen world. But it's things like this that God blesses me with so He lets me know I am on the right path. And I'm right where God wants me, and I'm doing what He wants me to do. What a wonderful feeling. In a world of uncertainty, little messages like that help me to be centered around my Rock, my Jesus again. And that content feeling is unlike any other.

So I wanted to share that even though I'm still not sure my purpose in life, or if I'm on the right road, I know that God will take care of me. And that's all I need to know. :)

Have a wonderful week everyone!!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


I find myself being lazy a lot more now that I'm out of college and super busy at work. I'm coming to this realization this week since, yesterday, Greg was rearranging the basement, vacuuming, etc., and I sat in my chair. All night. lol. Really?

Work has been crazy lately - there is so much to do for me, it seems like I can never get it all done. It's nice to always be busy and it makes the day go by fast, but sometimes it's a little overwhelming. I had to leave early today, so it was nice to just take a break. Hopefully I'll catch up on some things soon!

Maybe tonight I'll do some more sewing. I am excited about the quilt that I am working on now and my next one - I bought some super cute fabric at Joann's on Sunday so that's always a motivating factor. Plus I have an idea for some other fabric that I have, so I'm also very excited about that.

Well nothing much else going on in my life. I wish I had NBC at home so I can watch the Olympics, but oh well. I got to watch curling at my parents' house, which is the one sport I wanted to see, so that was good. :)

I hope everyone is having a great week!!!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Trading my dreams for His

I used to be so good about writing almost every day (and even multiple times a day) in a blog. I wonder what happened to that dedication. In any event, I'm going to try to get back into this. I think it's good for me.

I was driving home yesterday, and there wasn't anything good on the radio. I decided to pick one of my CDs in my car at random and pop it in. It was Casting Crowns' "The Altar and the Door." I almost switched it, because I wasn't sure if that's what I wanted, but I kept it in. And listened. I've heard the CD many times before (Greg got it for me for Christmas 2008) but for some reason, it stuck with me. And I'm still listening to it, over and over again.

I think I've fallen away a little bit from God and my faith. Greg and I went through a bit of a transition after college, where we were caught up in wedding planning, and moving to Midland, and not really having a church "home" together. I think that even if you're not involved with the church you go to, you should at least go to the same one every week. Otherwise, you feel lost. You feel like you don't belong. You feel nomadic, wandering through life without any real roots. We are inherently relational, and need to know, even if no one knows our name, that we can go somewhere each week and it will be familiar.

Well we didn't have that for a long time. That, combined with the fact that my yearly devotional book ended in the new year, caused me to . . . stagnate. Go through life, but not really live it. A situation we all find ourselves in sometimes.

But I think the rediscovery of this CD really is helping me focus back in. Greg and I are getting involved in our home church, Messiah Lutheran. We're praying more together. And I think, finally, we're learning what marriage is all about. When they say that the first year is the hardest, they aren't kidding. Thankfully, we found a great book called Love and War by John and Stasi Eldridge (authors of Captivating and Wild at Heart) that is really insightful. We're only on Chapter 3, and I'd say it's helped our marriage in numerous ways already. God really stepped in when He put that in front of us.

I've been feeling a little lost in my purpose in life lately. It's amazing to be married and share my life with someone else, but what exactly I'm supposed to do with my life is still a mystery to me. I've had some dreams all my life; but are they my purpose? I'm still not sure.

My job has nothing to do with my degree. I have a Bachelor's in English; I work in finance. How did that happen? Is this where I should be? I can't help but believe that I am exactly where God wants me, but sometimes it's difficult to remember that. God wants us in certain places for certain reasons, but sometimes I can't help but wonder. I pray that God shows me when it's time to move on. I love my job and my coworkers and my boss, but is this my true calling? Is this what I was meant to do? I'm not sure.

I participated in National Novel Writing Month in November 2009, and came out with a 5,000 word manuscript; but it didn't feel real. It felt . . . pushed. I always thought I would be an author of some kind, with a focus on novels. Maybe that's not where God wants me. I never reached the length or level of writing I thought I would before that month. Now that I have, it's not all I think it should be. It isn't something that I can't wait to do. Shouldn't it be? I'm wondering if God wants me more for non-fiction. Something real, something I can pour my own experiences into without worrying about whether or not my characters are authentic or the story line is engaging. A book about what I've learned in life, that maybe might help others. I think that might be more of my focus now.

I've also been thinking a lot about sewing. It's been over a year now since I've really gotten into it, and I love it. I make quilts for donation, and a lot for gifts, but I am wondering if this is maybe something that I could start a business with. Make quilts for friends and family at first, build a client base. I never pictured myself a small business owner, but maybe I'd be good at it. It's still something I'll have to do some hard core praying about.

I am excited to fix up the house with Greg. I never knew home ownership could be so trying sometimes, but it's definitely worth it if I can work on it with Greg. I think it's our own mini-adventure that we can take together, something that will grow us closer in a way that I never thought of before.

I guess that leads me to the new title of my blog, and the title of this entry (which I just decided): Trading my dreams for His. God has such BIG plans for all of us, but sometimes we're not sure what those are. And sometimes they may just change for us. We think we know, but we really don't. And that's okay. We didn't fail at the other dreams; they just weren't right for us. What a glorious discovery! It's difficult to let go of a dream you've had since kindergarten, but I'd rather live out God's dreams for me then my own earthly dreams, wouldn't you?

God is incredible and amazing and wonderful and indescribable. I am constantly in awe of His amazing love and awesome power. I pray that I may follow His dreams for me, and, in the process, bring glory to Him and His name. Thank you, Lord, for these amazing revelations. May You provide me guidance and allow me to love You with all my heart, soul, mind, and strength, and use the gifts You have blessed me with to advance Your kingdom.