Friday, July 2, 2010


It's so funny how expectations can change. I guess they haven't really changed for girls - ever since Medieval times, we've expected that boys court us, treat us like princesses, give us the world, and want to forever. And I'm not saying that they don't want to do all of those things, but I think sometimes our expectations are too much. I mean, I just watched Eclipse...twice. And what girl wouldn't love to have two very good looking guys vying for her affections? What girl wouldn't love to have someone so devoted to you (completely) that they would risk their life for you repeatedly?

But boys don't always have the chance to prove those things. A lot of times, love is just...normal. And nothing crazy happens where boys need to prove how strong their love is. I think that's probably why girls find the proposal so important - it's the one time the boy has the opportunity to prove his undying love to the girl. It's the one time that he's at his most vulnerable - literally on his knees for her. It makes a girl feel special, feel loved, feel safe.

I was listening to the radio this morning, and there's a survey that says that 80% of women were disappointed with the way their husbands proposed. Really? 80%? I couldn't believe it. If the one that proposed to them was their love for life, does it really matter how he proposed? But girls have it in their heads that it has to be a huge spectacle. He has to jump through 100 hoops and make a huge deal and buy a huge diamond. But honestly, none of that matters if you get to marry the one you love. Why would it? It's not about any of that.

I think, sometimes, we don't give guys enough credit. I also think it's partly the guy's fault, because he doesn't show his feelings nearly enough. :) But ladies, we are often really hard on guys for that. And it's definitely not their natural state, so it's hard for them to remember.

I think that's why I like The Notebook so much. That book and movie, among other things, is an amazing love story about just two people. Just two people that fell in love young, and had to overcome incredible circumstances. And yes, Noah is incredibly romantic and crazy at times, but mostly, he's just a guy.

So I'm going to try harder to not put too much expectation on my husband. Because I should know he loves me more than anything else. And although he doesn't always say it, I know it. I just need to remember. :)

Love you babe. :)

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