Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Helping us THROUGH it

I've been thinking a lot about how difficult faith is (see my last post).  Like I had mentioned, I try not to tell people faith is easy, because it certainly isn't.  Sometimes it seems like the hardest things happen to those who have faith in God.  It's certainly a particular point that non-Christians like to argue - if your God is so faithful, why can't He prevent bad things from happening?

My answer is He absolutely can.  But He doesn't.  Why?  Because first of all, this is a fallen world, and we have free will.  This Earth is not God's kingdom but Satan's, and sin is all around us (even in us!).  The other reason is because getting us through the hard times is what brings us closer to God.

Think about it - I know that we praise God when we are in a fruitful season in our lives, but how much more do we depend on Him when things are hard?  How much more do we talk to Him, rely on His strength and comfort, allow Him to hold a place in our heart?  It's a terrible situation to be sure, but sometimes that's the only way we'll talk to Him.  Without it, we would be silent, claiming to know everything and have everything figured out.  Bad things/situations are a way to draw His children back to God.

Without God, I wouldn't be able to handle the bad times.  I wouldn't be able to draw on His strength when mine fails.  I wouldn't be able to offer a helping hand when my situation isn't much better.  I wouldn't be able to let go of my bitterness of whatever situation I had to face without His peace.  I think sometimes that's why people are so lost, so bitter, so mean in this world.  They don't have any resources, any reservoir tank to draw from when their strength runs out, when their smile fades, when their lives look hopeless.  Without God, there is no peace and joy.  Without peace and joy, this is a (let's face it) terrible place to live.

God helps us THROUGH all of those things.  Sometimes those things happen on purpose - a sudden cancer diagnosis, a car accident, a job loss that makes no sense.  Those are the times that we need to lean on Him the MOST.  Those are the times He's crying out to us to use His strength to get through it.  To talk to Him about the problems that seem to just pile up.  He won't always remove the situation (like Paul's thorn) but you can glorify Him through the pain.  You can lift Him up and allow Him to comfort you.  What a wonderful thing!   Relying on the King of the Universe seems like a much better plan than relying on myself.  I know I'm nowhere near strong enough or able enough to handle the huge, huge problems of this world.  Thankfully, I know someone who is.  And He never leaves my side.

Christianity is hard.  But I think it would be an awful lot harder to go through life with no hope, no joy, no peace.  Nothing to look forward to after this.

If you have questions about anything, please let me know!!  I promise I don't bite, and I'd love to talk to you about the awesome God of the universe.

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