Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Making the World Suck Less

So I just finished The Fault in our Stars by John Green.  OF COURSE I cried, silly!  Definitely recommend though.  The feels.  They burn sometimes.

Anyway, I actually read the acknowledgments section because 1) it came at the end of the book and 2) I couldn't believe the book was over so I kept reading.  And one of the acknowledgments was to someone "for wanting nothing more than to make the world suck less."

In light of this book, it's actually a profound statement.  In light of this book and the message at church on Sunday, it's bordering on prophetic.  The message on Sunday was about hell - literally.  A rich man finds himself in hell (which sounds awful, by the way) and wants to warn his brothers.  Abraham tells him they already have Moses and the Prophets (the Old Testament) so they have enough to discern their own fate.   Powerful stuff in itself, but material for a later post.

Then our senior pastor said something that really stuck with me.  He said that this life it the only time we get to give to other people.  Think about it - some people don't believe in an afterlife, so you're done right there.  But me, I believe in heaven and hell.  And in heaven, everyone will have everything they need - no need to give to other people.  They'll already have their needs taken care of, the love and comfort from others and from God, and we'll have everything we need.  In hell, eternal agony leaves no place for giving.  I'm not even sure you can see other people there.

So now.  Just now we have in order to serve others and give to them, whether it be gifts, time, a listening ear.  Whatever it is, now is the time, and the only time, to do it.  All of those good intentions (what is it that the road to hell is paved with?), all of those hesitations, those turn-away moments where courage fails you and you stick with the status quo.  Those all go away.  Opportunities wasted. Chances surrendered.

Life is short, my friends.  Whether a book like The Fault in our Stars reminds you or you don't need reminding, please know that we need each other.  We need to be there for each other, in whatever way that means the most to you.  Please don't pass up your chance.  Love others.  Let them love you.  And make the world suck a little less.

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