Thursday, October 8, 2009

Feeling out the Spectrum

I feel like I've been on all sides of the spectrum of emotion this week. Earlier this week I was feeling so lethargic and... lazy. We just bought a brand new house and here I was, sitting on the couch and watching network TV - really? So I thought, I'll make a smoothie and I'll feel better. Well of course I break one of our new expensive wine glasses. Smart idea, Annie. Sigh.

Today I'm feeling better though. Yesterday Michelle and Tom came over and we had steaks and played Scene It, and today Greg is in Birch Run with his parents, so I made dinner for myself, and made some Puppy Chow while I was at it. Yum! :)

I am VERY excited to start painting my sewing room. I've decided to paint it a light, shimmery blue, with deep purple accents. I've read that cool colors help with creativity and calmness, so I'm going to try it out. Plus the room is already a light blue, so it won't be too hard to paint over. I'm going to take an interior painting class at Home Depot - they are free on Saturday mornings, and I'd like to do it right instead of maybe making a costly mistake. But I'm super excited for this Saturday. I might take a page from Ashley's book and try my hand at a little art as well. :)

Speaking of books, I think this room is also going to be my writing room. It's been SO long since I've taken the time to sit down and write. I'm glad I kept most of my prompt books from college to inspire creativity. I hate to admit it, but my college education has definitely helped me become a better writer. Who knew? O:) Now I need to get back into it and use the gifts God has given me.

Sometimes it still hits me that this is OUR house. No more neighbors sharing walls, no more paying rent and dealing with maintenance, no more temporary addresses. Though owning a house isn't easy, it's SO much better than renting. If you can afford it, I would definitely recommend it.

So I love to travel, and I can't decide about the next place to travel. I would LOVE to travel to Europe and see Italy. I know that Europe holds so many interesting countries, and although I would also love Ireland (heritage), I think Italy would be my first choice. I am so drawn to the architecture and just all the history that it has. But, it's also very expensive, and I've never been to our own nation's capital, so how about Washington DC? I would love to visit the Holocaust museum and see the white house, and all of that good stuff. Plus we could drive, and maybe jump up to NYC while we're over there. Or maybe down to NC and hit the beach. So many opportunities. Sometimes it's slightly annoying that Europe is so far away, but I have to remember all the people that took months to come over here because it was better. Ya know. But reading historical novels doesn't help my desire to see the world.

So this post is more like my thoughts than anything else. Maybe I'll start using this as a sounding board for some writing pieces that I would like to start up again. We'll see. :)

I'm going to try this posting pictures in my blog thing. These are the few that I took of our fall decorations. :)

1 comment:

  1. I need to break out my fall decorations as well! Your writing already inspires me to write more (and better) things on my own blog... We'll see if that pans out. Have you worked on any stories lately?

    What kind of smoothie did you make? I don't think I ever have the stuff on hand to make one.

    Can't wait to see your sewing room all decked out! **See more RE: traveling in your email box :)
